For gaining mastery over the mind, you have to know what it is, how it works, how it deceives you at every turn and by what methods it can be subdued.
For gaining mastery over the mind, you have to know what it is, how it works, how it deceives you at every turn and by what methods it can be subdued.
What is MIND and Nature of the MIND
How the MIND Works for excellence
How the MIND Deceives YOU
Methods MIND can be Subdued
The secret of its inner workings for ultimate success
Application in THE SKILLS and the TECHNIQUES
This session, intended to help PEOPLE to enhance their excellence in productivity. With the business or work environment having complex and diverse issues affecting any given event, situation or inter-personal contact, the appreciation of skills and techniques of Mind Mastery skills in this workshop will enable the individual to:
Gain a new understanding of Mind mastery
Identify the critical features and benefits of Mind Mastery in Selling Skills management; types of internal conflict and different techniques for managing them
Understand your own conflict patterns
Understand how the mind works for excellence
Use the methods Mind can be subdued
Learn to understand the secret of its inner working for ultimate success
Develop a goals-focused and realistic agenda for selling skills
What is MIND and Nature of the MIND
Mind is one of the Eight Nature . Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason and egoism. These constitute the eight fold division of My Nature. Mind is nothing but Self Power. It is brain that wants rest (sleep), but not the mind. A person who has controlled the mind never sleeps. He gets pure rest from silence itself.
Mind and Body
The body with its organs is no other than the mind. The physical body is the outward manifestation of the mind. Mind is the subtle form of this physical body. The mind contemplating upon the body becomes the body itself and then, tangled in it, is afflicted by it.
Mind and Energy
Even in the external movement of breath beyond the nose, the mind is mixed with the external breath. Prana (energy) is the outer overcoat for the mind.
The Three State
Mind has got three State: Waking state, Dreaming state and Deep sleep state.
The Three Qualities of Mind
There are three wave of thoughts in the mind corresponding to the three qualities.
The Psychic States
Sit in silence in a solitary room and watch the various mental phenomena, mental states, moods, impulses, emotions, sentiments, whims, fancies that occur in the mind. It will be of absorbing interest to study the subtle states of the inner psychic world.
The Power of Human Mind (Mental Faculties)
If you closely study the action of mind upon mind, of mind over matter, of mind over the human body, you will find that each man is a power in himself. You will have to develop the potential faculties by self-restraint and mastery over the passions. When mind is so much powerful, what to speak anything of the glory of Self, who is the storehouse of everything, who is the infinite, inexhaustible central magazine of power, knowledge and bliss from whom the little mind borrows its light and power!
The Three Defects of Mind
Milk is agreeable to some and disagreeable to others. There is nothing wrong with the milk itself. Surely, there is something wrong with the mind. Doubtless, there is a defect in the mind. The view of a child when it sees its mother is that she is its supporter, nourisher and giver of all comforts. The viewpoint differs in these three cases owing to the Defects of the mind.
Pure Mind and Impure Mind
There is the lower mind filled with passion. There is the higher mind filled with purity. There are two minds. You will have to make it into one Purity Mind only if you want to contemplate. It is through the higher mind that you will have to control the lower or instinctive mind of passions and emotions. Through the discriminating mind, the lower mind is powerfully mastered by the wise.
Thought Waves – Its Nature and Function
The thought waves is the mind stuff. It is the mental substance. Thought-wave is a modification of that mental substance. It is a process. Just as waves and bubbles arise from the surface of the ocean, so also these thought waves arise from the surface of the mind-ocean.
Theory Of Perception
When one thinks, then he understands; without having thought, one does not know; it is only after having thought that one understands.. I was absent-minded; I did not hear. I was absent-minded; I did not see. It is thus evident that a person sees with the mind, hears with the mind. Desire, determination, uncertainty, belief, disbelief, steadiness, unsteadiness, shame, intellect, fear.all these are in the mind alone. Therefore, when touched from behind, a person knows by the mind.
Mental Substance (Chitta) and Memory
Subconscious mind is termed Mental Substance. Much of your subconsciousness consists of submerged experiences, memories thrown into the background but recoverable.
Impression – Mental Pictures
Thought-wave arises in the mind-ocean. It operates for sometime. Then it sinks below the threshold of normal consciousness. From the surface of the conscious mind wherein it was uppermost for some time, it sinks down deep into the region of the subconscious mind. There, it continues to be a subliminal action and becomes a impression.
The Operation of Thoughts (Sankalpa)
When the operation of thoughts increases prodigiously, it is in no way beneficial. It is for evil only. The cause of bondage is Sankalpa. It is all the Sankalpas and latent subtle desire which you generate that enmesh you as in a nest. You become subject to bondage through your own thoughts and subtle desire like a silk-worm in its cocoon.
Thought Creates The World
Everything in the material universe about us had its origin first in thought. From this, it took its form. Every castle, every statue, every painting, every piece of mechanism, in short everything had its birth, its origin, first in the mind of the one who formed it before it received its material expression or embodiment.
Ignorance and Egoism
The mind itself is a creation of ignorance. It is a effect of unknowingness. It is filled with delusion. That is the reason why it deceives and tempts you. It makes you go astray. The seed of mind is Egoism. Egoism is development through the thoughts of the mind. As the first thought is the .I. thought and as this .I. thought is at the base of all other thoughts, Egoism is the seed for the mind.
The Power Of Thoughts
Thought is a living force – Thought is a vital, living force, the most vital, subtle and irresistible force that exists in the universe. The thought-world is more real relatively than this physical universe. Thoughts are living things. Every change in thought is accompanied by vibration of its matter (mental). Thought as force needs a special kind of subtle matter in its working.
Thought Culture
Thoughts lead to action. Thoughts are the sources of all actions. Thought is the real action. Thinking is the real action. If you can root out all evil thoughts in the beginning, you will not do any evil action. If you can nip them in the bud, you will be free from the miseries and tribulations of this world. Watch your thoughts with vigilance and introspection.
Desire in Subtle Form
Desire in subtle form is a wave in the mind-lake. Its seat is the seed body. It exists there in the form of a seed and manifests in the mind-lake. Just as flowers are latent in seeds, desire are inactive-latent in the inner instruments and the casual body or seed-body.
Desire is a mode of the emotive mind. It has got a power of externalising the mind. Desire is the fuel; thought is the fire. The thought-fire is kept up by the desire-fuel. If you withdraw the supply of fuel, the fire will be withdrawn into its womb. If you stop thinking by cutting off desires, the mind will be withdrawn into the Absolute Reality.
Attraction and Repulsion
Attraction), Repulsion and Indifference in thought waves are the three important thoughts of the mind. Like and dislike or love and hatred or attraction and repulsion are the two currents in the mind which bind a man to the stream of existence.
Pleasure and Pain
Pleasure and pain are the effects of virtue and vice. They are two kinds of emotions that pertain to the mind alone. It is the mind alone which brings pleasures and pains on itself and enjoys them through its excessive inclination towards objects. Mind contracts during pain and expands during pleasure.
Power of Discrimination
When you are fully aware of the magnitude of human sufferings in this miserable, relative world, you will naturally begin to discriminate between what is real and what is unreal.
If the mind is constantly thinking of tea and if it gets pain when you do not get it, it is said that you have got attachment for tea. This attachment leads to bondage. The practice of dispassion demands you to renounce this attachment for tea. Mere giving up of taking tea does not constitute the essence of dispassion.
Control of Senses
Senses are objectified desires. Will to see is the eye. Will to hear is the ear. The senses have two states, static and dynamic. When the desire begins to operate, the senses are put in motion. This is the dynamic state. As soon as the desire is gratified, the senses shrink through satisfaction. This is the static or passive state.
Introspection – What it is and What it does
The self-existent absolute reality created the mind and senses with outgoing tendencies. The mind has a pernicious habit of externalisation from time immemorial. So you behold the external universe and not the internal Self. It is the Maya that draws you out. From your childhood, you are taught to look to the external world and not to the internal, psychic world. You have entirely lost the faculty of introspection.
Evil Thoughts and their Eradication
Desire, Anger, Greed, Delusion/Infatuation, Pride, Jealousy, Arrogance, Hypocrisy, Intolerance, Egoism, Attachment, Repulsion are some of the evil thoughts. They bind a man to the process of worldly life or transmigration. Pride, illusion and desires are so many binding cords of the mind.
Cultivation of Virtues
Friendliness, Compassion, Sympathy, Cosmic or universal love, Forgiveness, Patience, Power of endurance, forbearance and tolerance are Pure qualities of the mind. They contribute to the peace and happiness of human beings. They should be cultivated to a very high degree.
How to Control the Mind
On this side is matter; on the other side is Pure Spirit. Mind forms a bridge between the two. Cross the bridge (control the mind). You will attain The Absolute Reality.
Worldly pleasures intensify the desire for enjoying greater pleasures. Hence, the mind of worldlings is very restless. There is no satisfaction and mental peace. Mind can never be satisfied, whatever amount of pleasure you may store up for it. The more it enjoys the pleasures, the more it wants them. So, people are exceedingly troubled and bothered by their own minds. They are tired of their minds. Hence, in order to remove these botherations and troubles, The Wise Man thought it best to deprive the mind of all sensual pleasures. When the mind has been concentrated or made extinct, it cannot pinch one to seek for further pleasure and all botherations and troubles are removed for ever and the person attains real peace.
State of Thoughtless
To be thoughtless is the highest form of Internal Silence. When the mind becomes free from thinking of sense-objects and their enjoyments, it is Internal Silence.
Experience and Obstacle in the state of thoughtless
In Internal Silence, new grooves are formed in the brain and the mind moves upwards in the new spiritual grooves. When the mind becomes steady in Internal Silence, the eyeballs also become steady. When you enter into very deep, silent, the breath will not come out of the nostrils. There may be occasional slow movement of the lungs and the abdomen.
State of Super Consciousness
When the mind is completely absorbed in one object of Internal Silence, it is termed Sate of Superconsciousness – state of no mind, no thoughts. The mind identifies itself with the object of Internal Silence.
Destruction of Mind
Mind, through ignorance and indiscrimination, considers its false personality to be true and thinks it is the doer of all Action and thus becomes egoistic. It imagines that it is in bondage. It identifies itself with the Individual Soul; it becomes Individual Soul itself and takes the responsibility upon itself for doing good or bad Actions and enjoying or suffering from their fruits. Hence is mind the doer of actions and responsibility for the action, therefore, rests with it.
Essence of Knowledge Path
Ultimate Knowledge is the release from the trammels of ones own mind. Such a release alone leads to the attainment of Liberation. The mind becomes of the nature of Experiential Wisdom by dint of the efforts towards spiritual direction; but becomes of the nature of the universe through Ignorance. If the mind is bathed in the water of Ultimate Knowledge and cleansed of all its impurities, then the shining Liberation will disclose itself in its native effulgence to those who strive after it. The real bliss is that which arises when the mind, divested of all desires through the eternal knowledge, destroys its subtle form.
The Mind in Liberated Person – Mind Mastery
With the disappearance of the attachment of the body and with the realisation of the Supreme Self, to whatever object the mind is directed, one experiences state of Superconsciousness. Amana is a Sanskrit term which means without mind. Amanaskata is a condition where there is no mind. It is mindlessness.
Fear not. The mind is no doubt extremely turbulent. Through repeated attempts you can perfectly subdue it. You are the Master of the Mind.
By PRACTICE and DETACHMENT or RENUNCIATION assert your mastery.
Feel the power, bliss and splendour that result from perfect self-conquest.Curb the mind ruthlessly. May you rest in your pure freedom!